Accurate Rental Values in Macedonia
Are you looking for accurate estimations of market rent? With this dataset you know exactly how much properties are worth. After you upload a list of addresses we will return the corresponding rental values. That way you can not only maximize your rental income, but also optimize your work processes and maintain a strong competitive position in the rapidly changing rental market. If desired, you can easily integrate our API into your own applications.
How it works?
Our Rental Value dataset offers accurate estimations of the market rent of all houses in Macedonia. We use Machine Learning (ML) technology for this, which is fed with various information about the object to be valued, such as the year of construction, surface area, energy label and housing type. In addition, location characteristics, neighborhood data, market developments and historical rental prices of comparable homes are included. The data used for this goes back to 1995. If desired, we can also deliver the best matching comparable rental properties.